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Ancient cash is the currency using in all dynasty of China, its history should be find out as least from 3 dynasty.
Bronze cowire of Chu 278 BC was used as currency for a very long period. During the 'goods exchange' periods, the different values between two exchanged goods was discovered so that the minor currency was used for adjustment.
So bronze cowire was treated as the goods exchange media for its was one of the common decorations. It had been circulated for along time before Chou Dynasty ( 1122 - 225 BC ).
From Chou Dynasty, the farm tools 'Hollow handles Spade Money' and 'Knife Money' were used as currency. With the more popular of knife money, words were added on them so various kind of knife money were come out.
The 'First Emperor' shih Huang-ti of Ch'in ( 221 - 209 BC ) issued the copper coinage Pan-liang " Half an ounce" that was the begining of roun money with square hole at center, which that shape of money had been circulated about two thousand years. Its also affect Japan, Korea and Annam countries to use China Currency as their money.
The ancient cash can be said from the period of Bronze Cowire of Chu 278 BC to the round money with square hole of the later Ch'ing dynasty. Uang Satu Rupiah keluaran tahun 1961, ada 26 lembar, beberapa diantaranya memiliki nomor seri yang berurutan :
16 lembar ( CDA 019065 s/d CDA 019080 ), 2 lembar ( CDA 019060 s/d CDA 019061 ),
5 lembar ( JCU 020224 s/d JCU 020228 ), dan 3 lembar lainnya dengan nomor seri acak.
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aku jg ngumpulin koin banyak, tapi bukan rupiah...
dah lumayan banyak tuh ri.. ckckckck
Coba jalan2 ke Pasar Baru; yang dekat pertokoan Metro (Jl. Samanhudi), kalau masuk dari depan (kantor pos) kearah belakang, ada disebelah kanan, masuk, lantai dasar,ada beberapa toko yang jual-beli uang/perangko lama. Tapi biasanya kalau kita mau menjual, mereka menawar se enak udel-nya.
Jadi memang lebih baik ditawarkan pada kolektor saja.
wah ternyata mbak Ria hobbynya sama ama aku & suamiku...koleksi, cuma bedanya kalo aku macem2, kalo suami khusus USA koin
wew koleksi uang kuno ? waduh saya mah koleksi nya yang lebih reality mba...yaitu koleksi uang modern hehehe...mayan bisa bli nasi uduk...
Tp kegiatam mba byk juga yah...pasti sibuk dong tuh setiap harinya ?
wah koleksi uang kuno to bak, sebagian ada yg saya punya. ya klau ada waktu mah kadang2 noki berburu mata uang negara lain.