Udah lama blom sempet posting crafts, kali ini postingnya dirapel sekalian .
Ini suvenir untuk pernikahan dengan gambar pengantin, kalo untuk suvenir ulang tahun, juga bisa koq, tinggal disesuaikan aja. Bahannya dari flanel. Warna bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan, begitu pula dengan patchworknya.
Yang ini tempat tissue saku, lebih detilnya silahkan cek di Gallery of Felt ya.
HP pouch model baru nich, bisa jadi alternatif pilihan HP Pouch di Art Ria Crafts, untuk pilihan HP pouch yang lain, silahkan kunjungi Gallery of Felt.
Gelang Unisex, cocok dipakai oleh laki - laki maupun perempuan, harganya cukup terjangkau lho.
Play Mac Poker Online
by. Monica Ria | 1:47 PM | Arts n Entertainment , My Jobs , Web Review | 2 komentar »
Do you ever play poker ? I think, a lot of people ever play poker, espsecially Mac Poker. And even some people had a weakness for play poker online.
Mac Poker most famous, especially in casino's world. This game have a great vogue by many people, especially Mac Poker lover. No day without play Mac Poker.
Now you can play Mac Poker online, but you must choosing the best Mac Poker site. I recommend the best site Mac Poker Online. Mac Poker Online also offer Poker Bonus from $50 till $600 into tables with gambling. Poker Bonus will be a guide for you, it can help you to get the best gambling bonuses.
You must read Poker Strategy Tips before you decide to play this game, because if you've been holding the strategy to play Mac Poker, I think your rival can't be easy bearing you down, coz you're hard to defeat.
For your information, on June Mac Poker Online will be held a tournament of Mac Poker Online. If you like, you can check the further information in Pacific Poker.
Mac Poker Online has many room to join mac poker online, like Fulltilt Poker and Poker Star.
Fulltilt Poker is a unique poker room who present for well Poker player. If you want to know more information about it, please visit Fulltilt Poker and Poker Stars also a poker room that have special present for you. Who is that ? Please visit Poker Stars.
Casino Bonuses has many room, like Lady Dream Casino, BetUSA, Vegas Red, Casino Tropez, Club World Casino, Casino Del Rio, Casino on Net, Cherry Casino, Party Casino.
Every room offer diferent bonuses began from $25 in Party Casino, till unlimited in Lady Dream Casino.
Mac Poker Online also provide Poker für Mac for Dutch Macintosh.
If you want to play Mac Poker Online, remember to choose the credible holding poker online, like Mac Poker Online.
Don't forget to tell and take your friends to play mac poker in Mac Poker Online.
Label Nama, Kartu Nama & Stempel Nama Untuk Buah Hati Tercinta
by. Monica Ria | 4:00 PM | Advertisement , ARC's Stories , Info Artikel | 1 komentar »
Melihat namanya atau fotonya terpampang di sebuah benda, pasti bangganya setengah mati, koq tau sich ? hehehehe ... sepertinya pengalaman pribadi ya .... jadi malu

eh, tapi anakku juga gitu lho, tapi emang sich, ngga se'gile' emaknya, mungkin karena mereka cowo ya, beda ama cewe reaksinya .... hehehhe ... ngeles.com
Ceritanya aq terima pesanan bikin label nama, kartu nama, stempel nama, poster, jam nama, dll. Lebih lengkapnya silahkan kunjungi koleksi blog ku yang ini

Contohnya seperti ini lho ....

Label Nama Mini

Label Nama Classic

Label Nama Oke Label Nama dan Kartu Nama Spesial
Label Nama dan Kartu Nama Fancy
Label Nama dan Kartu Nama Waterproof
Kartu Nama Lipat
Playphone.com Present 21 The Movie
by. Monica Ria | 2:30 PM | Arts n Entertainment , My Jobs , Web Review | 2 komentar »
A film by Robert Luketic, an Australian director who also directed Legally Blonde. This film draws from Bringing Down the House, the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich. So it's a true story that convert into a film. And Robert Luketic with all skills and experience who direct many film, try to make this film so different than another, he mix drama, action and adventure then wrap it into a good film called 21 Movie.
This film tells about Ben Campbell ( Jim Sturgess ) a student of M.I.T who is a shy man but he is a genius student. He have a problem, he need some money to pay school fee, but he don't have some money, he only have cleverness.
And then he join with a group, called Blackjack team. A team leads by Mickey Rosa ( Kevin Spacey ) who leads his team travel to Las Vegas every weekend and leads an operation count cards to win money which they split between each other at varios Vegas Casino, counting their way to millions of dollars.
Kevin Spacey play the seedy, morally gray characters as he gets older. He's pretty darn convincing as the everyman-turned-bad. In this film, play together with Kate Bosworth, she is cast as Jill Taylor.
21 the movie also support with the other artist like Laurence Fishburne, Aaron Yoo, Liza Lapira, Josh Gad,Sam Golzari, Jacob Pitts, Jack McGee, and Roger Dillingham, Jr.
This film was release in March 28th ago in USA.
You can see the trailer before you decide to go to the movie. I hope this article can help you.
You can also download a poster 21 The Movie or do you a fans of Ben and Jill in 21 the movie, you can get the wallpaper of Ben and Jill by Playphone. Com
A film without soundtrack is like a soup without salt. 21 Movie provide all soundtrack of 21 Movie, like It'll Be Fun, Worse Than a Loser, Welcome to Vegas, Genius, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, Noboby, and Are You Out of Your Mind.
You can download ringtones for free only in 21 Ringtone
Baru ! Hanya di Art Ria Crafts ...
by. Monica Ria | 12:23 AM | Advertisement , ARC's Stories , Crafts | 1 komentar »
Udah lama ngga update blog ini neh, maklum, lagi bad mood. Ya gini dech kalo pedagang moody, berdagang sesuai mood ... halah ... alasan. Sebut aja hiatus :D
Hehehe ... tapi jangan khawatir, biar hiatusnya agak lama, tapi kembalinya bawa barang baru nich. Ada banyak pilihannya, jadi, kamu tinggal telpon, hallo, aq mau yang itu dunk, uangnya udah aq transfer, tolong kirim yaa ... heheheheh
Tas & Dompet Plastik,
Bandana,Dompet serbaguna itu bisa buat tempat apa aja, misal bedak, lipstick, pensil alis dan teman - temannya. Atau bisa juga buat tempat dokumen - dokumen kecil, misal buku tabungan, notes, dsb. Dipakai buat tempat pensil juga oke.
Kalau tas 2 in 1 itu terdiri dari 2 tas yang penggunaannya bisa terpisah ataupun sekaligus. Warna yang tersedia : Pink, Ungu dan Kuning
Tas friends tersedia dalam 3 warna juga, Hitam, Pink dan Ungu.
Kalau bandana, ukuran dan warna tergantung pesanan, bisa disesuaikan.
Trus jadi pesen yang mana neh, siapa cepat dia dapat lho, limited edition.
Do You Need a Costume Party ?
by. Monica Ria | 2:30 PM | Advertisement , Arts n Entertainment , My Jobs , Web Review | 0 komentar »
A few days ago, I receive an e-mail from Blogsvertise, who offer me to write a journal entry on EasternToys, and I accept it. Then I will receive a payment from this job.
Do you want to write a journal entry like me, please join Blogsvertise.
About EasternToys,
Now you may not feel dizzy if you will come to a special party that necessitate to you to wear special character costumes for any occasion party, like Halloween Party, Easter Party, Thanksgiving Party, Birthday Party or another party. The EasternToys provide so many and various costumes with special character, complete with their accessories, like Star Wars costumes, Disney Costumes, Pirates Costumes, Spider Man Costumes, Witch Costumes, Animal Costumes, Couple Costumes, Raggedy Ann Costume & Andy Costumes, Pet Costumes, Sexy Aadult Costumes, Play and Pretend Costumes, Nightmare Before Christmas Costumes, Little Red Riding Hood Costumes, Easter Costumes, and Halloween Masks.
EasternToys have a selection of costumes for adults, children, infants and animal with special prices and various size.
Beside provide costumes for any occasion, EasternToys also provide Furniture & Decor, Plush & Stuffed Animals Toys and Movie Collectibles.Disney costume collection provide various beautiful Princess Costume, like Jasmine, Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Peter Pan, etc.
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Be more a princess with special Disney Costumes.

The Star Wars Costumes is completed with accessories.
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So let's get it one for you on EasternToys.